Strong Orthodox Community
Brothers of the OBSE prepare themselves to take an active role in serving the needs of the Church, their parish, their families and the immediate community of which they are a part. By developing individual members of the parish, the OBSE seeks to promote and invigorate an Orthodox way of life that is lived profoundly and visibly to the outside world.
The Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Eustace (OBSE) is a lay, pan-orthodox men’s society of the Eastern Orthodox Church whose purpose is, first and foremost, to connect and encourage Orthodox Christian men to take an active and disciplined approach to developing and living out their faith. Read more...
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As a natural consequence of this self-development, the OBSE, secondarily, seeks to facilitate and bring fresh energy to the Church’s historic mission delivered by our Lord, Jesus Christ, to his apostles to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” Read more...